April 2021

Metro DX Club APRIL Meeting Minutes 4/16/21

The Metro DX Club’s April meeting was held on 4/16 via ZOOM. Thanks to John K9EL who arranged checking members in.

The meeting was called to order by Metro President Jim N9TK.  Those attending besides Jim were:


NEW MEMBERS  Darren W9AS is a new member and Wayne AC9EF is a returning member.

HEALTH AND WELFARE  Several members spoke of their 1st or 2nd Covid vaccine shots.


TREASURER’S REPORT  John W9ILY reports our Club had income of $45 from dues and an expense of $14.85 which is our quarterly web cost. 

CONTESTING  John W9ILY reports that Metro had 4 entries in the 160 contest.  A few contests are coming up including the Florida QSO Party which will be the April King of the Hill qualifying contest.  There’s lots of activity in this one both fixed and mobile.  Recent King of the Hill winners were W9MK in March and N2BJ in February,

WUST AWARD  No activity this past month.

DX  There has been some good DX stations active lately including A25, C92, and JX2.  Many others have been posted on the Metro reflector.

W9DXCC  Paul K9NU reports that he and his committee have been meeting working on the program, donations, their website, pricing and meals.  Registration will probably open in mid May. Paul is looking for volunteers. If you can help, contact him via email.  The Friday night hospitality suite is being sponsored by NIDXA and the Saturday hospitality suite is being sponsored by the Greater Milwaukee DX Association.

IN PERSON MEETINGS  In an abundance of caution, in person meeting have continued to pause. We will continue ZOOM meeting until further notice.  Announcements will be made as this progresses.

FIELD DAY  Jim N9TK has offered to host this year’s Field Day activity at his home the last weekend in June. Participants need to have both COVID shots and not have a temperature.  This activity is 2 months away and we hope we will be able to meet in person comfortably by then.  More details will follow.

BOUVET  A Bouvet DXpedition is planned for January 2023.  We are considering making a donation.  Normally, we only contribute to groups activating WUST countries or those where a member is part of the DXpedition.  Since this is a #2 needed country in Club Log, we are considering an exception.  This will be discussed further.

FUTURE PROGRAMS  K3LR has offered us programs on a variety of subjects for our use in the future . This will be a good resource for future meetings.

After some additional discussion, the meeting was adjourned.

PROGRAM   CJ WT2P presented an interesting program on reducing eyestrain when operating in low light and especially during long times in front of the computer during contests.  He demonstrated a free program he uses called F.LUX.  There are many settings for your monitor, ex normal during the day, warm at sunset and firelight at night.  He also demonstrated the many setting and options in N1MM that can make things easier on your eyes like a variety of skins, colors and fonts.  CJ said he would share some of his custom setting with us on the reflector.  For more detail, please watch the ZOOM meeting video provided by John K9EL on the link below.

A roundtable discussion followed the program. K9NR reported that he and WT2P will be operating the Indiana QSO party from Perry county in southern Indiana.  John K9EL announced that the DX Marathon results will be published June 1st.  Also, W9KXT announced that the Hamfesters White Elephant sale has been rescheduled for Friday evening, May 7th.

Submitted by Lee WA9LEY

Metro Secy.