Picnic 2015

The ninth annual Metro DX Club picnic was again held at the QTH of Phil, N9LAH, and his XYL Cindy in Chebanse. The weather could not have been better as Phil had placed an order with the NWS and it was perfect! 26 members and guests had a really wonderful time. Thanks to Phil and Cindy for being such gracious hosts and to our members for all of their contributions. Those attending were: Phil N9LAH and XYL Cindy, Mark May K9TP, Bob N9ORD and XYL Trudie, Mike K9AJ and Sue K9XYL, Bob K9CJ, John W9ILY, Jim N9TK and Laura, Jerry WB9Z and Val NV9L, John K9DRS and XYL Joan, Bob K9MDO and Karen WB9YBL, Bob N9AKR and XYL Mia, Lee WA9LEY and XYL Chris, Matt KA9BBQ and XYL Barb KA9BAG, Tony N9AAC and YL Sharon and Thomas N9IHZ.