We operated Special Event Station W9C from October 2 through October 8, 2017 to celebrate the first anniversary of the Chicago Cubs winning the 2016 World Series of baseball after over 100 years of disappointment! Certificates will be prepared and distributed as soon as possible, hopefully no later than November 1, 2017.

Check our listing on page 102 of the October 2017 QST. Operations of W9C occurred on 80 through 10 meters (excluding 60 meters) on CW, SSB and RTTY between 1300Z and 2300Z at various times throughout the operation period. Operations concentrated on 7050, 7280, 14050, 14280, 21050, 21280 and other frequencies as needed.
A nice certificate of accomplishment and QSL card for your contact is available. Please indicate your QSO date, time, frequency, mode and signal report.
A certificate to be returned by email may be requested by sending an email to n9tk@comcast.net.
To receive a printed certificate and QSL card, please send a self-addressed 9x12 envelope with three (3) ounces postage attached to N9TK, our QSL manager for W9C:
Metro DX Club
c/o Jim Mornar N9TK
8607 W. Kendall Lane
Orland Park, IL 60462